Date : 15 June 2016
How far along : 3 Months 16 Days
Weight :
Newborn : 2.87kg
20 days old : 3.8kg
1 month : 4.65kg
2 months : 5.8kg
3 months : 6.41kg
Height :
Newborn : 47cm
2 months : 58cm
Head Circumference :
Newborn : 37.5cm
2 months : 39cm
She does not have any checkup on the 3rd month. Therfore I do not have the measurement for her height and HC. But I managed to get her weight checked because I hopped on to the emergency room at columbia hospital and told the nurse "nak check baby's weight boleh?" "nak timbang berat sahaja ke? Tak jumpa doktor kan?" "ya, timbang sahaja. Nak tahu berapa berat dah." The nurse was so kind. 😁
Sleep : Recently, her sleeping pattern changed again. I started to bath her in the evening due to the hot and humid weather over here. After bath, sometimes she will just fall asleep on her own. She will then sleep until 9pm and when she wakes up, I will nurse her and she will go back to sleep. I'm so so glad that I will be able to stay home for her. The bonding is so sacred and I treasure it very much!
Food : Give me nen nen please!! Another 3 more months to go to start solid. Which means mommy has extra work to do, but it's gonna be an exciting journey!
Best moment this week : She's chuckling more and more and more!! It's just so fun to interact and talk to her. She will reply me with her baby coos and if I'm lucky enough, she will chuckles. Her voice is so so sweet. I can just sit down and talk to her and listen to her baby coos. Aaahhh... gonna treasure all these baby moments before time really flies. =)
How far along : 3 Months 16 Days
Weight :
Newborn : 2.87kg
20 days old : 3.8kg
1 month : 4.65kg
2 months : 5.8kg
3 months : 6.41kg
Height :
Newborn : 47cm
2 months : 58cm
Head Circumference :
Newborn : 37.5cm
2 months : 39cm
She does not have any checkup on the 3rd month. Therfore I do not have the measurement for her height and HC. But I managed to get her weight checked because I hopped on to the emergency room at columbia hospital and told the nurse "nak check baby's weight boleh?" "nak timbang berat sahaja ke? Tak jumpa doktor kan?" "ya, timbang sahaja. Nak tahu berapa berat dah." The nurse was so kind. 😁

Sleep : Recently, her sleeping pattern changed again. I started to bath her in the evening due to the hot and humid weather over here. After bath, sometimes she will just fall asleep on her own. She will then sleep until 9pm and when she wakes up, I will nurse her and she will go back to sleep. I'm so so glad that I will be able to stay home for her. The bonding is so sacred and I treasure it very much!
Food : Give me nen nen please!! Another 3 more months to go to start solid. Which means mommy has extra work to do, but it's gonna be an exciting journey!
Best moment this week : She's chuckling more and more and more!! It's just so fun to interact and talk to her. She will reply me with her baby coos and if I'm lucky enough, she will chuckles. Her voice is so so sweet. I can just sit down and talk to her and listen to her baby coos. Aaahhh... gonna treasure all these baby moments before time really flies. =)

Look at her sweet sweet smile. Meltssss!
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