Tuesday, August 20, 2013


(in office)
I still miss my kids..........

Even though with the little sleep
Even though at days things didn't go as it should
Even though sometimes the kids let out a wail
Even though friends around me say I have no life
Even though people say I've given too much time to kids
Even though people say I have no time for myself
Even though people say I didn't pamper myself
Even though I'm cancelling a lot of night out dates

To become a mother, there are lots of things that you need to sacrifice. To who? To your kids. But... I don't mind a single. Because I asked for it. I prayed for it. I prayed for kids. I prayed to be given a chance to be called MOTHER. I wouldn't trade a single thing, for not getting this title. And by all means, I will try my best to be a mother that when my daughter grows up, she wants to be like me. That when my son grows up, he wants to find a wife like me. I'm praying for wisdom. That I will be that mother that my children will look up at.

Well, I've received a lot of comments that "I have no life" "I've given too much time to kids" "I didn't pamper myself"... etc. In return, I give them a huge smile. I didn't sigh. I didn't frown. I didn't agree. But .. a smile. Because I'm happy. I'm truly happy to be given this title "Mother", a real award that no time or money can buy. A precious gift from Heaven.

Today... I've been rejecting a number of night dates. I really couldn't make it, when come to think of who will take care of my kids if I ever go out, who to put them to sleep, and the little baby needs me, the human pacifier before he goes to bed. And, I need to be a moo-moo cow every 4-5 hours. If you say bring baby along ... I would rather stay at home. And if you say I'm overly protective for not bringing my babies out (especially to crowded places)... Read this if you haven't. The answer is in this post. I've gone through that traumatizing stage ... and I've learned the lesson.

So, if you think I didn't do it right .. be a mother yourself to capture the whole picture that lies behind the name MOTHERHOOD . =)


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