Saturday, August 10, 2013

I hold on to my JOY

It feels good to be in the house of God, after many many months accompanying Ashlynn in the nursery. Finally my daughter is a big girl that she does not cling to me whenever she's at the nursery, but she plays on her own. She looks for her toys, hanging around in the nursery like a big sister, instructing everyone by saying "No" "Stop" "Share". I'm proud of you baby girl!

Oh, how I've missed sitting and relaxing and enjoying today's sermon. Keith preached about "Do not lose your JOY". What a powerful sermon .... 

I couldn't control my emotion, my patience, my anger whenever I'm tired. Having two kids in tow is never an easy job. I learn to work like an octopus. But, I only have two hands and two legs. In the end, I get so tired, my heartbeat pumps at unusual rate and by 12pm (not 12am) I'm flat! 

And... where did my joy of having two kids gone? I gave it away ... to who? To the name of "emotion", "Impatience" and ... most of it, I gave it all to "Mr Anger". I started yelling, showing faces and most of the time, I keep quiet. Oh dear... looking back, I should be thankful that I have two healthy kids. And why do I shout? Where is my joy then? 

Today, I'm looking at the cross. That the Joy of the Lord is my strength. I'm never near to perfection, but I know, I have a sovereign Lord, that moulds me into perfection. He's the potter and I'm the clay.

I will rejoice in the Lord, 
I will be joyful in God my Savior.

The Sovereign Lord is my strength;
he makes my feet like the feet of a deer,
he enables me to tread on the heights.

And today, I'm learning to hold on to my Joy. I do not want to give it away. That few years down the road, when I look back, I know that I had lived my every day happily. That my yesterday was a beautiful day. My yesterday was a happy day. That when I'm old, I will cherish those days... the yesterdays. 

And, I will live my life happily so that my kids are happy. My husband is happy. Everyone around me is happy! 

So, start to live your life happily... that everyone around you is H-A-P-P-Y! Keep your joy close to your heart. Do not surrender your joy to Mr Anger, Mr Impatience... but hold on tight your joy!

(City Harvest KL)


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