Monday, June 22, 2009

The things I need the most now!

I'm seriously sleepy at this time and please introduce me something to cure my sleepiness! I'm totally out of idea now, my mouth is busy chewing but after finish chewing, the sleepiness came back. All I need now is BED! After the weekend trip to Penang, sort of a really tiring trip, rush here and there to get things done and to fulfill my desire that it's a must to eat Penang food before I'm back to KL.
Bed........this is what I really need now! When I think of the king size bed in my room, the more sleepy I will be. Even when I'm typing this... my eyes are getting smaller and smaller, my brain can no longer think! Besides, body is getting weak and yeah... I want my bed now!

The 2nd thing that I'm missing is Age of Empire III. Currently addicted to the multiplayer AOEIII. Me and hubby combo-ing and fight against the computer... moderate level and we managed to conquer but Hard level....I think the computer is cheating, how can they earn so much coins+wood+food in the few minutes time frame! Cheating.....

This game is seriously addictive! I started off with AOEII and now, abandon II and move forward to III, graphic is nicer and it's 3D! Awesome....


  1. i guess that's why they're called computers..:P

  2. Lavendergal : You must take care.. especially on your growing tummy. Ask ur colleagues to walk on your behalf, you just sit down... hehe.

    Sheep : yea... computers cheating!

  3. Tried to think of a way to tapao the computer in Age of Empires 3 but cannot ler...keep on kalah je.... :(
