Monday, July 6, 2015

Children and Gadgets

When I was younger, before I was married, before I had my own kids ...
I used to look at kids with Ipad or Iphone in the shopping malls. My heart quickly pinpoint at the parents... 
Why leave the child alone with the Ipad? 
Why bring the child out if you intend to leave your child with the gadgets? Better stay at home?
Why no communications between you and your child?
There were endless whys in those days... at that time, I told myself and even Justin that I will never let our child hold any gadgets in future when we have kids. When we bring them out, it means we want to have a good quality family time. So, no gadgets time.

Today, I took back my words.

These days, gadgets seem to save our life from restless, screaming little kids. Gadgets save our life especially during wedding dinner (Malaysian time wedding dinner starts as late as 9pm!) You cannot be bringing playdoh or duplo or lego to wedding dinner right? Gadgets do let us EAT in peace. Gadgets save restaurants from falling rooftops due to screaming impatient kids (especially when the restaurant is full house and we waited 1 hour for our food) Gadgets keep us sane during long-haul flight! 

For all the yet-to-be-parents out there, judge not. Note that kids attention span on a certain thing is very short. By 5 mins, they get bored with the toy and you have to show them another toy. During the long haul flight to Europe with my 2.5yo daughter last year, I packed lots of different kind of toys to keep her entertained during the flight. From stickers to duplo to coloring books to snacks to chocolates to sweets to gadgets! There were few no-nos that we banned at home like chocolates and sweets, but during the flight, I gave in. Every few minutes, I had to keep changing toys after toys to keep her entertained and happy during the flight. It was so tough, but we made it! 

So, guess we just have to stop pointing fingers and look at those parents with one kind of face or stare at them and shake your head. Some actions/decisions from the parents might not be pleasing to our eyes, but hey, we are not their parents. Parents know their child best and what works for them.

Another example that many parents get a stare from strangers is when they use baby leash in malls or crowded places. Some moms might say why don't hold your child's hands tight? While another mom would say I really have no choice, my child is super super hyperactive. He doesn't want to hold hands or buckle up in stroller! I would rather those eyes to look at me than I lost my child. This is quite true. We don't know the real reason behind all these scenarios. So, stop looking, stop judging. Give those parents your best support. Again, if you have nothing to say, don't say. Sometimes, to be silence is wisdom. =)


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