Friday, June 21, 2013

Mixed Feelings....

Today, I had my post-natal follow up checkup with Dr Paul Tay at Prince Court. As usual, he greeted us with a big smile and asked if everything is ok, do I still have pain, is baby ok, breastfeeding well.. and the lists go on. Well, he's such a caring doctor and then, he said "This will be your last review".

My heart stopped. My last review. I began to digest those words. My last review. Which means no more appointments. No more ultrasound scans. No more excitement waiting for the day to go for checkup and see our growing baby. Yes, 2nd pregnancy ended well and baby boy was born healthy and strong. But, I feel sad. Because.... I miss my pregnancy so much! I miss having checkup at the Dr and looking at our growing baby via the screen. I miss the baby squirms and kicks in my womb. I miss the whole fact of getting pregnant, feeling so pregnant and giving birth. I miss those days.

Knowing the fact that I still have one more pregnancy to go, our 3rd baby, I feel a little emotional. We both agreed that we will raise 3 children. 3 babies. A family of five. And with that 'agreement', I know that 3rd pregnancy is going to go by this fast as well, pregnant and give birth and then..... close shop. The end. No more pee on the stick, no more excitement waiting for the control line to appear and then a positive sign on the stick, no more ultrasound scan, no more excitement whether we are having boy or girl, no more kicks in my womb, no more growing belly, no more counting contractions, no more waiting for the grand arrival of our baby, no more checkups at the OBGYN, no more labor pain, no more newborn baby smell in the house, no more sleepless night, no more breastfeeding................ etc etc etc etc.

Oh well, after our 3rd pregnancy, I will surely miss the whole process. Trying to conceive, pregnant,  feeling so pregnant and giving birth. It is sad because I enjoy pregnancy so much, I like to be pregnant, stayed pregnant, and if possible ... forever pregnant. Haha!

And then. Moving on to the next stage of life, raising our 3 kids.......
A beautiful perfect family of five!


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