Saturday, June 29, 2013

Daniel - 6 weeks

Date : 24 June 2013

How far along : 6 Weeks

Weight : 4.02kg at 4 weeks checkup

Height : 53cm at 4 weeks checkup

Sleep :

Here's how your sleeping schedule like.

8am - Wake up for milk, sometimes you sleep back after milk. Otherwise you will take your bath and sleep around 10.30-11am.

12.30pm-1pm - Wake up for milk and then sleep back around 2-2.30pm.

4-4.30pm - Wake up for milk. Take a quick bath. Change to your pyjama and then sleep around 6pm.

7.30-9pm - Wake up for milk. And sometimes you fall back to sleep right away after milk. If not, you will sleep around 11pm.

2.30-1am - Wake up for milk. Sleep back around 2.30-3am.

4.30-5am - Wake up for milk. Sleep back around 6am. Basically at this hour, I wonder why you tend to vomit out your feed. And sometimes I choose not to nurse you but rather rock you back to sleep. At least no vomit, no cleaning job as early as this hour. But, this method does not work. You need to nurse in order to fall back to sleep. If I'm lucky, no vomit and you doze off right away. Hopefully you pass this phase soon...

And the cycle continues ..............................

Anyway, you have been sleeping well. I roughly know your sleeping pattern and when to put you to sleep. Sometimes when you are full and happy, you can easily doze off on the rocker! I wish everyday is as easy as this! Haha! =)

Food : You're still on mama's milk. And sometimes you hate the bottle. But you need to adapt to bottle little man. Because. You will be going to the sitters' next month. Mommy has got to work. And at this age, you're drinking 3oz. Sometimes you can go up to 4oz. Wow. I wonder if I overfeed you, but you just need that amount of milk. Otherwise you scream to the top of your lungs! Haha! So, this is what we called feed on demand.

Best moment this week : Mommy has been spotting you SMILING! Especially after your milk when you are full and content. And sometimes you are smiling in your sleep! So cute! You can even lift up your head when you are on your tummy, and turn your head left and right. Your grandma was impressed the other day when she saw you turning your head at such young age, as young as 6 weeks! Good job baby .....

We love you very much baby boy... And we are so so blessed to have you in our life. Your sister is adoring you as well. And we all LOVE you VERY much!


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