Recently my little girl loves to imagine and expressed it by drawing on a piece of paper. She imagines this little princess with a nice flower necklace, a soft elegant makeup (just like mommy), long hair and so on..
The below is one of her drawings... she said this princess wears a necklace like hers. I gave her one of my old necklace which I used to wear during my college time and she loves it. Don't worry, it's safe for toddlers yeah. She wears for fun at home for few minutes. Few minutes also fun right.. kids!
Okay peeps, this is not a scary monster with a long black hair yeah. It's a black hair princess. Check out the makeup on the eyes and the curl up eyelashes. And, BLUE lipstick! Wow.. my little girl is cool! And this princess wears a necklace just like hers... but princess has no hands. Haha.
This drawing is just so precious. Gonna keep it in a treasure box and guess when she's older, she will look back and laugh/smile.
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