Wednesday, August 27, 2014

The pride of 'another' profession

I think it isn't fair if you look down on any profession. Every profession is equally important in today's society. The only difference is the level and salary. If you're sitting on top of the chart, you get more pay ... so, when you look down from your chair... how do you feel? If you think you're the most important person in the company that helps the company to make profit, I feel so sorry for you. Poor you. 

I've heard countless times about IT. Be it good or bad...
Remark #1 - IT is a waste of money
Remark #2 - IT makes no profit
Remark #3 - IT likes to hire a lot of people, wasting money
Remark #4 - Why do we need IT? Olden days no IT, still can survive. Make use of Secretary lahh.

Oh well... a stab in the heart of IT-cians. Today, how can one survive without IT? Look at the phone that you use. Look at the global communication. It is almost impossible to totally eliminate IT in a company. And yet I've still heard countless time people condemns about IT guys. Sigh.



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