Sunday, October 6, 2013

Happy 2nd Birthday My Princess!

Our dearest daughter has just turned TWO one week ago and we had a simple Hi-5 birthday party for her. The best that I could do, with that little time that I have. We prepared some food and thanks to our babysitter for cooking nasi lemak and sambal kangkung. Delicious!

28 Sept 2013.

Dearest Ashlynn,

I just couldn't believe that you are now two. It seems like you were just born yesterday and when I looked back those pictures captured and saved in our hard disk, I smiled. My heart feels so full! I'm happy. I'm proud. I'm blessed. I'm beyond thankful.

One of the things that I cherish the most is your SMILE. Whenever you smile, whenever you giggle, that's the moment that I want to bottle up and keep them close to my heart forever. I'm on top of the moon whenever you are happy. And that's my proud moment.

You brighten each and every day of ours. With you at home with us, it's never a dull moment. Our lives have never been the same again, the family grew from two to three and now four. We are just so so so blessed to announce that you are our daughter, and we are your parents.

Thank you Ashlynn for making this family complete. Thank you for making us the happiest parents on earth. Thank you for being who you are, and thank you for your smiles, giggles, hugs, kisses, love....

Papa, Mama and Daniel love you!


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