Thursday, May 3, 2012

31 Weeks

Date : 2 May 2012

How far along : 31 weeks

Weight : 7.77kg

Height : 65cm

Sleep : She dislikes her baby cot so much because of the space constraint. She doesn't have the ample place to roll while sleeping and sometimes she knocked her head on the cot bumper, got frustrated over it, then cried and the moment you transferred her to our big bed, she rolled, found her favorite sleeping position and then she fell asleep soundly. But poor us, we do not have much space left, I can't roll, not even sideways. And sometimes I have to sleep with my armpit lifted up so that she has more space in the middle. Should we transfer the queen size bed over so that she can roll to her heart's content? *rolling eyes*

Food :
  Oh yes, she's not allergic to sweet potatoes. I just noticed that every time we intro a new food, her body will react towards it and on the first day, she will have rashes near the mouth. But on the 2nd try, it works well. So now, she's fine with sweet potatoes but she DISLIKES it much. Haha... poor girl had sweet potatoes for 4 days in a row until her poo looks like one blended sweet potatoes. lolx

So far, she has tasted:
1) Ninolac Rice Cereal 4mths (no allergy)
2) Cerelac Rice Cereal 6mths (allergy)
3) Heinz Apple & Mango puree 4mths (no allergy, she doesn't like it cause sour)
4) Heinz Peas & Zucchini 4mths (no allergy, but she dislike the vege smell)
5) Heinz Farley's Rusks 6mths (no allergy, she loves it. But mommy dislikes it, because too sweet)
6) Home cooked porridge with anchovies + carrot (allergy)
7) Bellamy's Organic Baby porridge (no allergy, she loves it when added some milk)

8) Cerelac Rice + Soy (lil of allergy)

18.4.12 ~ Ninolac Wheat and milk cereal 6 mths ( no allergy, but high sugar content. Mommy dislikes it)

23.4.12 ~ Sweet potatoes puree ( no allergy, yeay. but lil girl dislikes it much, haha.)
28.4.12 ~ Rafferty's Garden Organic Baby's Banana Porridge (no allergy, she loves banana!)

Best moment this week: Our baby girl is learning how to crawl! She can move forward a little and try to grab the things that she wants and she made it! *big claps* And she has the sense of ownership now. Don't ever dare to touch her toys/ don't grab her toys away when she's playing with them.. otherwise, she will break all the glasses/windows at home! Haha.... and this was what happened at the babysitter's house as well. When her toys were taken away by other kids, she screamed and cried! Lolx... my baby girl is growing up. Her favorite color is PINK! She loves the ntv7 pink color advertisement, if I'm wearing white with pink dots tshirt, her fingers will touch the pink color dots, and she will grab her pink handkerchief instead of white one.


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