Friday, February 12, 2010

My hubby can cook!!

Guys, I tell you... Justin is such a great man because whatever that you ask him to do, he will never fail you and he will fulfill your request immediately! Sometimes if he can't do it immediately, he will tell you give him 5 mins or later he will do it and you don't have to remind him at all and he will definitely get things done! He's so responsible and I really thank God for him. Don't worry, I "seldom" bully him... sometimes I did... hehehe ;p like please bring me a glass of water and he did it... that's really my man! Or sometimes when I'm tired, he will ask me to sleep and leave the laundry to him. Oh my, I'm loving him more each day! Muacks!

And of course, my hubby can cook too... Initially he can only cook western food such as spaghetti, carbonara or baked salmon but now he can cook Asian Food. I think some girls also "kalah teruk" to this man rite.. ;p Look at his first attempt of fried rice and it tastes really really good. Enjoyed this meal so much in office, my lunchbox. Eating and smiling at the same time because I'm so proud of my man!

Ain't it cool?


  1. wow..nice new layout!!

    and it's just so sweet of him...!!!!!!
