These pics were seriously quite old and I totally forgotten that we actually took them until one day, Farah posted them to Facebook. I was like, oh yeah... these pics! I'm supposed to get from you after the shots... but, I forgot. Signs of oldness. Sigh.... Thanks to you Farah, that you brought back the memories and yeah, of course I would love to have as much pics as possible when I'm still in HP. Just incase, I resign 24 hours I do not have chance to have any nice shots. Haha.. Joking la, no worries this will not happen unless I win a lottery of milliondollars. =D

posing with our OTAI burger. Very big and delicious... filling and taste better than Ramly. I would seriously recommend this burger! If you need it in a bulk, contact me and I will direct you to the right seller. Hehe...

It was only a very short while she was with us, and then she left for a better offer. Good for her... all da best to you! =D

And all of us.. the SRA Team. If you look at this closely, only all girls? Is like I never hire guys, but all girls. I was laughing like mad when I heard that.... so is tis a girl's rule team? Hohoho..... absolutely not, it's just so hard to explain why guys don't like to take pics. Or guys are not that crazy to take pics compared to girls. Why? I cannot answer this question, perhaps guys ..... please give me your answer!
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