Saturday, February 21, 2009

A nomad working life~

Thank God I have internet wherever I go; Sitiawan, Banting, Penang, otherwise I will die! Seriously, internet is sooo important to me, without it, I just feel like my life is rather meaningless, I just do not know what to do if I do not have Internet. My whole day will just be :( and I will walk up and down, not knowing wat to do. It just happened to me last night and this morning, when the telephone line was out of service. Sigh, TNB oh TNB, kamu buat kerja apa ni?

So, let's back to the topic for today. Hehe... Well, today there's nothing bout food, but work! With the current economy situation in the world, stay still with your job, do not hop left and right looking for a job with a higher pay. You will never know the job that offers you the high pay will kick you to the highest too! So.... remain where you are now and be thankful that you have a job! Move on when the economy is stable...... listen yea everyone!!

Anyway, my working life is just like hopping down and up and down and right and down again! Well, pls do not misunderstand that I'm a job hopper, indeed I'm rather a nomad worker as I do not stay still in one location for more than 6 mths! My team is always the lucky one to shift down and up and up again and then down and right and then down finally! Conclusion, we left our footprints and buttprints at different floors in one year. Well, of the many floors that we left our remarkable prints, I love the most is B5. Look at the view below and you will know why I like B5 more than the other floors.

1st Reason : Can you see the place I actually put my calendar? Well, this was also the spot I placed my wet tupperwares to dry. I miss this! Haha...

2nd Reason : At B5, my things were all nicely arranged.. unlike at A6 now, I was like keeping rubbish and more rubbish... :(

3rd reason : The perfect spot to renew my eyes dead cells when I stared at my laptop for hours!!!

4th Reason : The carpet is new!!!!! No smelly footprints, no stains... perfect!!! I can even walk barefooted... The worst carpet was at B2 when I encountered cockcroaches!!!!!! I've encountered enough at home, and in office I just can't escape also???? Cockroaches are just the worst insect in the world... especially female cockroaches with wings!!!!!!!!!!!!! I will blog again bout cockroaches in the next post.. because that's the most scary insect!!!!

5th Reason : At 5:15pm, I will change my post to be a police traffic, to monitor the traffic from PBD to Damansara (my home sweet home). Instead of monitoring tickets, I will be busy monitoring traffic. Hahaha... Any news, it will be reported to my hubby at B2 for early notification. This is the view I missed the most, sigh... at A6, I can only be a spy... spy if anyone in the next building doing anything wrong.

I guess the next place I will be shifting to is CYBERJAYA... will be a good neighbour to Lay Ling then.. hehehe. Hopefully everyone will shift at the same time, especially my hubby.. otherwise, I wil have to learn to DRIVE!!!!! Gosh..... driving..... ish ish ish....


  1. too bad..u have to change place often lo...wat to do? if u go cyber...pity me la...u aleays got LL everyday...oh no....hahha

  2. Hey CL, tat time you nid to drive all the way down to Cyber to meet us already. Hahahaha....i really dunno how the transportation will be when we move to Cyber most prob next year... sigh.

    Sheep : most prob next year, hopefully not la. :( that day I just encountered a huge giant cockroach in my drawer! And I shouted and jumping like mad... I haaaateeeee it sooo much!!! I don't dare to kill, but I will quickly grab the shieldtox and spray everywhere.. haha..

  3. oh my......better keep your food properly..i realise they love going around looking for them......
