Monday, September 28, 2015

Happy 4th Birthday Sweetie!

To mommy's little chatterbox.. Have a blessed fourth Birthday!! We pray that God will bless you abundantly and fills your heart with more love and wisdom.

How time flies ... today you are Four! I wish if we can just stop the clock from ticking and keep you as a baby forever. Forever our baby girl. I remember how tiny you were when you were born, you led out the first cry and then the doctor placed you on my chest. As a first time mom, I just couldn't stop checking on you every seconds and made sure you were alright. Time passed too fast... you have grown up to be such a big girl now. You are independent, you do things on your own, you take care of your little brother when mommy is busy .. you have so many strength inside of you and I just couldn't thank God enough for blessing us with you, our most wonderful gift on earth!

We treasure every moments with you have indeed brought us so much tears, joys and laughter in this family.

We pray that you will grow up knowing and loving your father in Heaven, be filled with all the wisdom, understanding and knowledge that He has and with this, I can just rest assured that you will grow up well in your life.. because God will do the rest. =)

Happy Birthday my dearest daughter! We love you always and forever.. and you will forever be our dearest baby girl!


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