Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Daniel - 9 months

And he is 9months!!
- Crawling and chasing after jie jie
- Standing up with support
- Still dislikes apple puree but eating porridge like a King.
- Crying and calling ma-ma-ma-ma-ma at the same time.. smart boy! He knows this tactic to get a full attention from Mama.

So, where did the time go? I just couldn't believe this sweet boy of mine will be ONE in 3 months time. Wowweeee! Lots of hugs and kisses to you baby boy, from all of us!!

Baby Stats:


Still same old routine, you roughly wakes up to nurse about 12-1am and then 3-4am. And afternoon nap is still the same, sometimes you sleep like a champ, but sometimes you sleep for 1 hour and wakes up crying. Mama just can't wait for the day you grow up and easily fall asleep like your jie jie.
(This mama loves spikey hair, and ain't him handsome with hairstyle like this? Hehehe)

Ok, roughly mama knows what you like. You have a taste bud exactly the same like your dad. Something nice, you gobble down the food like a King, but if the porridge is tasteless/fishy, no matter how hard I stuff in the porridge, you will spit out every single mouth of them. Boy oh boy... Did I say you love bread/cake ? The only way to keep you entertained in the car is thru this.. feeding of bread/cake. =D
Solid Food Adventure:
20 Nov - First intro on Oatmeal Cereal (Yumm)
25 Nov - Oatmeal and Banana Cereal (Yumm)
1 Dec - Apple puree (Yuckk)
19 Dec - Butternut squash puree (Yuckk)
27 Dec - Potato, pumpkin and beef casserole (Super Yumm - bought from Woolworths Australia) 
8 Feb - Avocado + Oatmeal Cereal (Yumm) 

 At birth : 3.02 kg
7 weeks : 4.7kg
3 months : (still not checked)
4 months : 6.2kg
5 months : (not checked)
6 months : 6.5kg
6.5 months (30 Nov 2013) : 6.7kg
7 months : (not checked)
8 months : (not checked) 
  9months : (not checked)

Funniest Moment
As you grow older, you are getting more and more cheeky. The other day, you just knew that you are not allowed to go to the restricted area, but you slowly crawl towards there, and while crawling, you paused for a few moments and looked at me, if I ever carry you back.. I ignored at first, and you slowly crawled there again.. and then you paused and looked at me again. Haha. Cheeky! 

One more thing! Whenever you hear music, your head goes up and down like a rock star. Mama believes you inherited your papa's musical talent. Baby, use it to serve God! ;)
- pulls self to standing position
- learning to stand with support for longer period and learning how to cruise while holding to object
- expert crawler
- reaches for objects while crawling
- able to identify small tiny objects on the floor and trying to pick them with the fingers
- babbles a lot (ba ba ba ba ma ma ma ma)
- responds to name
- responds to commands (like No) and then he cries .. Haha
- cries whenever we walk away from him

Favorite Toy
Ball!! You love balls! 

My dearest Daniel, we love you lots and lots. Papa and mama prayer are the same everyday, that you and jie jie grow healthy and strong, His angels are with you all the time, that both of you will do well in your life, filled with wisdom and knowledge of God, walk in His ways and loves Him more than anything else.

We love both of you so much!!


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