Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Daniel - 6 Months

Daddy and Mommy and Big Sister's Little Champ is now SIX months old. Indeed time waits for no man. I've said this countless times because this is so true. I closed my eyes, woke up the next day and he's Six months. Oh boy, the next time I blink my eyes, he's going to kindergarten. And I will definitely miss all the baby fats, the baby snuggles, the baby coos, everything about babies.

Baby Stats:
You are getting more and more active and it's a bit tough to put you to sleep especially in the afternoon nap. You cried buckets when you wanted to sleep, and you cried in between of sleep and you cried when you wake up from sleep. Pheewww... It's tough, and your mama hope that this is just a season that when you grow older, you will be a happy sleeper. =D But, you have no problem sleeping at night.

Still breastfeeding and going strong! Stocks are building up in the freezer and your sister will have a taste of them. Still drinking 5oz of milk. And yes, we've started your first taste on solid. On the first day of solid food, you cried buckets. You dislike the taste of solid, you hate it when you see the spoon moving towards your mouth. But on the second day, you ate like a champ. Your mama was adventurous and moved you from cereal to apple puree the other day, but you dislike the apple puree so much. Perhaps we should try again this week. 

Solid Food Adventure:
20 Nov - First intro on Oatmeal Cereal (Yumm)
25 Nov - Oatmeal and Banana Cereal (Yumm)
1 Dec - Apple puree (Yuckk)

 At birth : 3.02 kg
7 weeks : 4.7kg
3 months : (still not checked)
4 months : 6.2kg
5 months : (not checked)
6 months : 6.5kg
6.5 months (30 Nov 2013) : 6.7kg

Funniest Moment
Ever since you became so efficient in rolling, from tummy to back, from back to tummy, you are trying to roll everywhere. Even in your stroller. Ooopss. This is a little dangerous, and we definitely have to watch over you all the time. =D
  - Loves to roll left and right
- Loves to sleep on his tummy
- Loves to sit more than lying down
- Cried on his first day of solid food, but ate like a champ on the next day
- Hates pacifier from day 1- screams if I ever stuff that little binky into his mouth
- Still wakes up to nurse once/twice every night
- Always wakes up SMILING
Favorite Toy
Your mama's HAIR and Mouth. You grab anything that is within your reach. And your favorite past time while you nurse, is to grab my hair. Please don't pull too hard yeah, your mama has already lost a number of hair. Haha.


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