Tuesday, July 30, 2013

I miss those days ....

I miss those days that I can sleep through the night
I miss those days that I have my uninterrupted sleep
I miss those days that I wake up so fresh and energetic
I miss those days that I didn't have to set alarm in the middle of the night
I miss those days that I have so much time for myself
I miss those days that I can take my own sweet time handling stuffs
I miss those days that I look fresh
I miss those days that I have sparkling fresh eyes
I miss those days that I can slowly enjoy my meal
I miss those days that I do not have to run like a headless chicken at home
I miss those days that I put Ashlynn to sleep and kiss her forehead saying goodnight
I miss those days that I don't feel so heavy headed
I miss those days when I were pregnant
I miss those days when Ashlynn was just a little newborn
I miss those days when I carried Daniel in my womb, feeling those priceless kicks
And the list goes on.

Well, I really miss those days ....
But, living at the present, I learn to enjoy my every day, that in future, I could list down a lesser "I miss those days". Because... I have lived my every day to the fullest. =)


  1. I miss those days too...:-) But, comfortably adapting it..:-)
