Monday, June 11, 2012

37 Weeks - I'm growing very bery fast

Date : 13 June 2012

How far along : 37 weeks

Sleep : When we decided to get a customized Geetha bed for her, only then we knew the other day when we surveyed the price, we gave the wrong measurement. After 2nd calculation, the customized Geetha mattress cost RM450. A huge bomb. We walked away without getting anything for her, not even a Geetha mattress topper which cost RM290. Disappointed. Her coconut fibre mattress is as hard as rock. Sigh... One more month baby, we will get you a nice latex topper at baby fair in July. At the last fair in May, we checked out the price from BabyLove and the latex topper cost RM220.

Food :
  We intro Avocado this week and she just loves it! Mommy loves it too. Hehe.

So far, she has tasted:
1) Ninolac Rice Cereal 4mths (no allergy)
2) Cerelac Rice Cereal 6mths (allergy)
3) Heinz Apple & Mango puree 4mths (no allergy, she doesn't like it cause sour)
4) Heinz Peas & Zucchini 4mths (no allergy, but she dislike the vege smell)
5) Heinz Farley's Rusks 6mths (no allergy, she loves it. But mommy dislikes it, because too sweet)
6) Home cooked porridge with anchovies + carrot (allergy)
7) Bellamy's Organic Baby porridge (no allergy, she loves it when added some milk)
8) Cerelac Rice + Soy (lil of allergy)
18.4.12 ~ Ninolac Wheat and milk cereal 6 mths ( no allergy, but high sugar content. Mommy dislikes it)
23.4.12 ~ Sweet potatoes puree ( no allergy, yeay. but lil girl dislikes it much, haha.)
28.4.12 ~ Rafferty's Garden Organic Baby's Banana Porridge (no allergy, she loves banana!)
5.5.12 ~ Blended potatoes puree with milk
12.5.12 ~ Potato + carrot puree, added 1 spoon of milk 
19.5.12 ~ Potato + Carrot + Cauliflower puree, added 1 spoon of milk
26.5.12 ~ Cod Fish + Potato puree, added 1 spoon of milk to remove the fishy smell. 
27.5.12 ~ Brown rice + Potato + Broccoli + Carrot porridge
29.5.12 ~ Brown rice + Potato + Chicken porridge 
8.6.12 ~ Sweet Potato + Cod Fish  

10.6.12 ~ Avocado + Happy Baby Multigrain (Picture coming soon)

Favorite Food : Potato, Purity Maize Cereal, Avocado

Not-so-yummy Food : Sweet potato, apple, Broccoli

Best moment this week: I've got my upper teeth growing and mommy spotted them on 4 June! Yeayy!!! 3 choppers growing at the moment and I can now eat Hamburger! Kekeke.... She's learning how to sit up from her tummy position, can stand with support and can sit without support now. But she just loves to be on her tummy ........ She loves playing with her saliva and blow them into bubbles. And yes, she's a dancer! Her body will sway left and right whenever we blast the music. She will dance to her favorite video Barney and the Barney theme song. Perhaps I should consider making Barney as her 1st birthday theme coming Sept.

Favorite Toy : TV cabinet. She loves to pomp pomp with her hand. Haha. I know it's not good to let her play with those things but we couldn't help it. I've tried lying near the tv cabinet so that she couldn't cross over there, but she has a strong fighting spirit. She will not give up until she get to her destination! She will climb with all her strength until she's tired/she will look for other alternative like go through another route to get there... such a smart and sweet baby =)

Baby Vocabulary : Baa Baa Baa, Ta ta ta , Na na na na , Mamm Mammm Mammm, sometimes she sounds like calling mama/dada... *melts*


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