Friday, April 8, 2016

Happy Fullmoon Victoria ~ 1 Month

Hello baby Girl! How much we love you. And oh, how much you have grown from a 2.84kg newborn to a whooping 4.67kg and from 49cm height to 53cm - at 1 month old! You are growing well baby girl, and that's what we love to hear and see. Your doctor is very pleased with your growth as well. When the doctor asked what susu am I giving, mommy said you are fully on breastmilk, and the doctor said "Well done mommy!" A big pat on my back. All the sleepless night and constant nursing is finally paid off. Thank you baby for growing so well. Every time when I look at you, you are such a perfect and healthy little baby, my heart will be filled with thanksgiving and all I can say is Thank you Jesus for a perfect baby girl.

The first month with you was great, we are so in love with you. Despite the extremely lack of sleep, whenever mommy sees you, automatically my strength is recharged. Somehow I gained the full force of energy again. That's how powerful you are, my strength and joy.

In the past one month, we were trying to adjust here and there. Mommy roughly got your sleeping and drinking schedule. Basically, your timezone is EEMEA. You're quite alert middle of the night, especially from 1am-7am. And during that time, you drink, poop, drink, poop, and you repeated the process until  7am! So, by 7am... mommy is begging you to go back to sleep. Haha. Hopefully by 2months old you can adjust to the APAC timezone.

You are drinking well, butI'm not sure how much you drink because you are exclusively breastfed. But when you were admitted to the hospital for jaundice, the nurse fed you 3oz. You love direct latching more than bottle. Sometimes you rejected the bottle, but baby... you need to learn both. Just in case mommy needs to run some errands. Mommy stocked up some breastmilk in the freezer and hopefully you accept the fishy taste of the frozen breastmilk.

Your Big sister and Big brother are so helpful! They just love to see you, be with you, talk to you and whenever they hear you cry, they will run to me and say "Mommy, baby cries". When you pooped, they offered to take the diaper, wet tissue, diaper cream... awww, how much I love them. They are the best sister and brother ever! They adapt easily to the new change and they are independent (except for eating and showering). When mommy is busy feeding and taking care of you, they take care and play with one another. That's so sweet of them. You have the best big sister and big brother!

You are learning how to smile and respond to sound. Jiejie and Korkor love to talk to you and kiss your little feet. And when you swing your hands and legs high up in the air, they sing the song "I like to move it, move it. I like to move it, move it." Welcome to a fun and happening family baby! We can't wait to do more things together as a family. Picnic. Swimming. Traveling. Holiday-ing.

You're growing so fast.. one month passed just like that. Oh, Mr Time, you gotta go slower. Mommy needs to enjoy you being a baby as much as possible.

That's all for now little sweetie... we pray that you grow up strong and healthy and we love you more than words can say!

 We will always be there for you little sweetie.. =)


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