Date : 31 May 2016
How far along : 3 Months 1 Day
Weight :
Newborn : 2.87kg
20 days old : 3.8kg
4 weeks : 4.65kg
9 weeks : 5.8kg
Height : 58cm at 9 weeks checkup
Head Circumference : 39cm at 9 weeks checkup
Sleep : Her sleep schedule is very very good. We do not have to rock her to sleep neither do we need to pat her to sleep. All we need is to make sure her tummy is full and she will sleep on her own! So So blessed to have such an easy baby. Love you so much little girl.
Food : I'm only 3 months old, therefore I can only drink milk. Still fully breastfeed. Whenever I bottle feed so that she get used to the frozen breastmilk, somehow somewhere in me just miss direct latching her. Even though we miss just about 2 sessions of DL, I still miss it. So much bonding that we have in direct latching. It literally calms the baby down and it's so much easier to put her to sleep. No, she doesn't treat me as her pacifier, she does drink to sleep and when she's full, she unlatches on her own. So proud of her.
Best moment this week : 28 May 2016. Goodbye little mittens! My baby girl has outgrown her mittens.
I've decided to remove the mittens because she has been loving her little fists so much. Instead of sucking the mittens, it's better to let her indulge in her little "drumsticks" right? She's getting stronger day by day, she can kick and lift her legs high up in the air, almost to 90 degrees. I'm pretty sure very soon she will be holding her feets and then the process of putting those little feets in the mouth. Haha. Thank God for all the great developments. Thank God for a healthy little baby. I love her so much!
How far along : 3 Months 1 Day
Weight :
Newborn : 2.87kg
20 days old : 3.8kg
4 weeks : 4.65kg
9 weeks : 5.8kg
Height : 58cm at 9 weeks checkup
Head Circumference : 39cm at 9 weeks checkup
Sleep : Her sleep schedule is very very good. We do not have to rock her to sleep neither do we need to pat her to sleep. All we need is to make sure her tummy is full and she will sleep on her own! So So blessed to have such an easy baby. Love you so much little girl.
Food : I'm only 3 months old, therefore I can only drink milk. Still fully breastfeed. Whenever I bottle feed so that she get used to the frozen breastmilk, somehow somewhere in me just miss direct latching her. Even though we miss just about 2 sessions of DL, I still miss it. So much bonding that we have in direct latching. It literally calms the baby down and it's so much easier to put her to sleep. No, she doesn't treat me as her pacifier, she does drink to sleep and when she's full, she unlatches on her own. So proud of her.
Best moment this week : 28 May 2016. Goodbye little mittens! My baby girl has outgrown her mittens.
I've decided to remove the mittens because she has been loving her little fists so much. Instead of sucking the mittens, it's better to let her indulge in her little "drumsticks" right? She's getting stronger day by day, she can kick and lift her legs high up in the air, almost to 90 degrees. I'm pretty sure very soon she will be holding her feets and then the process of putting those little feets in the mouth. Haha. Thank God for all the great developments. Thank God for a healthy little baby. I love her so much!
It's so tasty mommy. Hehe